USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is widely used in our daily lives for charging devices, transferring data, connecting devices as well as storing data(USB pen drives). It was in 1998 that the use of USB grew. Now, USB serves as a major source for wired technology.
A USB drive looks simple from the outside, but its working is very complex. USB can manage only one device at a time. It has many generations of evolution after its use started to grow. In each generation, the speed of data transfer has also increased. USB 4.0 is the latest generation. This version is about 3,000 times faster than the 1.1 generation. This means that the power supply to the device has become faster along with data transfer throughout USB generations.However, with the arrival of wireless technologies like Bluetooth, the speed of use of USB has slowed down. We are going to see new technologies in the next few years to go.
Comment down: Which one is better Wired technology or Wireless technology? Thank you for reading.
Written By
Nidhi Patel
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